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Our Mission

The Cataract Surgery Center is a caring ambulatory surgery center team of eye surgeons, anesthesiologist, nurses and technicians committed to providing world-class quality surgical eye care to our patients in a pleasant and comfortable environment.

Our center is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Centers Facilities (AAAASF), a national nonprofit organization ensuring ambulatory surgery center maintain the highest level of patient’s safety and quality of care.

Our team goes above and beyond to deliver state-of-the- art surgical eye care of eye disorders exclusively. Same-day outpatient surgery allows our patients to recuperate in the comfort of their own homes. Tens of thousands of surgeries have been performed in our busy center and we are at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and treatments. You are in good hands at the Cataract Surgery center of Milford.

Please call us at 508-381-6040 if you have questions about your eye surgery. We are happy to help.

Our state-of-the-art facility has everything needed for your eye surgery needs. We are also pleased to offer laser-assisted surgery. From our knowledgeable front desk associates, patient care technicians, registered nurses, scrub technicians and doctors, we strive to make you feel comfortable with your experience here.